Ulrike Walther

born 1973, studied architecture at Bauhaus-University, Weimar and Strathclyde University, Glasgow. She graduated as diploma-engineer. Having discovered her love of watercolour in childhood, it continued to accompany her work as an architect since 1998 in Italy, Austria, Brazil and Germany. 2009 she started to combine her love to both, architecture and painting, in architectural illustrations. Today she is a freelance artist based south of Hamburg, Germany; she conducts watercolour workshops, works on commissions and shows her paintings in national and international exhibitions. Watercolour is her true passion and so she says: „Painting in watercolour is like falling in love: this sense of pleasure I want to pass on.“


Ulrike Walther says: "Painting watercolours is like being freshly in love: When, for example, the colour rises like a pulse in the paper during the wash, this is a sensual joy that I want to pass on." The subject can be anything that can be painted: Landscape, flowers, trees, people, animals, houses, ships etc. What is important is what appeals: the light, the mood, the space and perspective, in short: a feeling that captures the essence of what is shown. Watercolour is the supreme discipline among the arts of painting: the transparent colours are difficult to handle. Every stroke remains visible, nothing can be painted over. There is no white colour, only the paper can remain light. This makes watercolours, in which water and light are artistically rendered with light brushstrokes, all the more impressive. Water is the medium on which watercolour lives. Light brings the atmosphere to life.


Faber-Castell AG coverdesign acrylic and watercolour range

Admission gallery Carré d' artistes, worldwide

Faber-Castell AG relaunch range "Creative Studio"

Scholarship of art Uwe Lüders, Sparkassenstiftung Lüneburg

Since 2016
Lecturer of painting journeys for artistravel.eu
Lecturer of watercolour workshops e.g. for boesner GmbH, Sommerakademie Hamburg

Free work as artist (commissions, exhibitions, lecturer)
Lecturer of own watercolour workshops

Since 2012
Selling watercolour paintings, -calendars and -books

Art classes with Eugen Chisnicean, Kristina Jurick,Ingrid Buchthal und Max Struwe

Since 2009
Specialisation on architecture illustration

Practical work as architect: in Hamburg e.g. ECE Projektmanagement GmbH & Co. KG, De Picciotto Wittorf Architekten BDA, Union Investment Real Estate GmbH, Kitzmann Architekten BDA, self-employment

Practical work as architect: in Austria, Italy, Brazil

ERASMUS-Study of Architecture at the Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK

Study and Diploma of Architecture at the Bauhaus-University, Weimar, Germany

Since 1978
Painting with watercolour since age 5

Born in Pößneck/Thuringia/Germany


Ulrike Walther works in her idyllic country studio in the Nordheide, about 30km south of Hamburg city centre in Holm-Seppensen (accessible by train). The large studio space with a lot of light and a skylight gives the opportunity to develop. The embedding in the beautiful nature and the proximity to the heath give everyday contemplation and concentration. Please feel free to drop by for a visit, have a look at the paintings and contact the artist to make an appointment. +49 162 630 15 61 ObscureMyEmail

Operation principles

From her many years of experience, the artist uses only high-quality materials: papers, paints, brushes and canvases. This guarantees optimal results and a long life of the artworks.


If you like a painting from the gallery "Werke", please contact Ulrike Walther for futher information on price, size and shipping. If the painting is not yet sold, there can be talked about everything! +49 162 630 15 61 ObscureMyEmail

Commission your own original: Simply commission a portrait of what you love: people, animals, buildings, ships, favourite places and landscapes from holidays or everyday life. You can commission any subject imaginable and receive an original and unique piece of special value and charisma. A unique painting is an ideal gift for private and professional occasions. It can also be created for a special place in your home. The realisation is possible in watercolour, oil and in any other technique. Any image material, e.g. your photo (also of inferior quality), can be used as a template. In preliminary discussions and studies, your ideas and wishes will be clarified in detail. Even if you are not sure yet: please contact Ulrike Walther in order to come to a solution with which you will feel completely comfortable! +49 162 630 15 61 ObscureMyEmail

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Ulrike Walther
Dipl.-Ing. Architektin
Weg zur Mühle 48A
21244 Buchholz i.d.N., Deutschland

Mobil Nr.: +49 (0) 162-630 15 61
Tel. Nr.: +49 (0) 4187-33 90 476
E-Mail: ObscureMyEmail

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